Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 14 – I am “Happy, Healthy, Rich and have a life full of Passion”

This is my mantra, and I say it to myself daily… sometimes a few times when needed ;)

I read "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrne a little over a year ago, maybe two... Time flies quite a bit too fast for me, so I can't remember how long it has been, but I have been rewarded immensely ever since reading it, and applying it’s advice…

The main premise of the book, is that we are governed by a natural law called “the law of attraction” which attracts to you all the things you think, believe and feel.  So when you believe you are rich, richness is attracted to you – if you believe you are poor, poorness is attracted to you.  So, it is very important to think positively, remove all negative thoughts from your mind, and BELIEVE you are what you want to be… and this does come true.

There will be naysayers, however, I am living the proof of this law.  When I think that something IS, within days, it becomes true for me… even in small ways.

I was telling a friend, during a conversation we were having this past spring, that if I had the choice to be anything I wanted, I’d be a coach.  Within days I received an email from the West Carleton Soccer association saying they would be cancelling my daughter’s soccer team this  year if a coach didn’t step forward.  Guess who volunteered??  Guess who was Coach?? I said it, and it happened.

There is more.  I have been repeating that I am happy and healthy, daily for the past two years – no illness will find me, and I have been especially happy inside ( yes I have those sad days, but that is when I start thinking negatively, remember?)

I am rich.  I have everything I could ever want in money, home, material things, my job, my friends, my relationships.  I truly am rich and continue to repeat this word in my mantra daily.

Passion is a word I only added in the past four months.  I hadn’t before, as I didn’t know it was what I was missing until then – again a friend mentioned the term to me, and it resonated perfectly with what I needed.  I didn’t realize the power it would have, to include it in my daily mantra.  Passion is another very general term that covers a range of areas for me, not just related to a relationship – for me it is a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something, someone, or in one’s actions; it is having people in my life that have strong feelings of enthusiasm for THEIR LIVES.  This could mean a passion for cars, sports, running, fitness, health, or love.  Since adding this term to my daily mantra I’ve had much passion in my life in terms of health, sports, fitness, friendships and relationships. I’ve been very much blessed with exactly what I was looking for (I joke with my friends that I need to scope cap the word, as I sometimes think I’m being handed maybe too much!)

We should all take the time to write down exactly WHO you want to be, WHAT you want to have, and HOW you wish to live.. write it out, then find the three (or four in my case) words that represent this belief and this life.. repeat them daily, as if you already ARE THEM… then write me your letter, to tell me what has changed for you – I can’t wait to hear your news ;) xo

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