I grew up on a busy street in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I was four years old walking up and down a street alone, without parents, that is as busy as Hazeldean Road in Kanata - it had continuous cars, and 16 wheeler trucks going up heading out the main highway North of SSM. Hard to believe, as you wouldn't see that today. I actually used to name them as they went by and would wave at the drivers, and try to get them to honk at me ;) Many did!!
I met my first best friends walking alone at 4, as they were outside too - they are on my facebook today - you girls know who you are and can tag yourself here if you choose to!! They are still women who inspire me, I love them dearly and love that we still see so much in common - from the time we were FOUR!! xo
I also met three boys who lived on my street, who, in my mind, I remember spending more time with than the girls. They are not on my facebook as I don't think they are computer/internet guys - I find many men have not bought into being into social media. That's okay but it sure would be nice to say hello to them.
What is funny about this friendship, is that they were so much rougher than me, yet I still wanted to keep up. We biked, played ball, ran wild, climbed trees, and had some great adventures. They continuously made fun of me but I laughed along with them, and really enjoyed their company. The teasing was fun in my crazy mind, and I loved the trouble we'd get into.
Website: http://www.pinterest.com/tbird9910/yes-im-a-tomboy/
If I could have put my guy fiends in my "bridesmaid" lineup, I totally would have as they are as dear to me as my girl friends are.
Being a woman has so much complication, and I do not want to make out men to be insignificant or uncomplicated, but they truly cannot have the same pressures as women do. We need to be responsible for so much, yet look beautiful in charge of it all... We need to be strong, smart, supportive yet sexy, sweet, and soft... We often do it all, and do it all quite well. Kudos to all my girlfriends, sisters and cousins who work so hard to be the full person we are expected to me. For those of you who are finding it incredibly difficult, know you are not alone...
I will often look very confident, very strong, and well in control... I only post photos on facebook that show you this person - it has inspired many of you to stay strong... I am so glad for that, so incredibly happy to be a supporter to all who need me.
On the inside, there are days where I can be tragically weak, so completely unsure, and undeniably out of control... I'll keep that hidden in person, but here in this forum I'd like to acknowledge that staying strong, is no easy task - and being a woman in this day is not only complicated but very challenging - at home, at work, and at play.
"Being a woman is hard work. Not without joy and even ecstasy, but still relentless, unending work. Becoming an old female may require only being born with certain genitalia, inheriting long-living genes and the fortune not to be run over by an out-of-control truck, but to become and remain a woman commands the existence and employment of genius." - Maya Angelou - Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now
I know that being a woman means certain behaviours will always be frowned apon by others, I know that certain decisions will be seen as cold, unattractive, and even bitchy. I know I won't ever be that typical woman you'll see described in books and films, who will not drive alone at night, who is afraid to venture out without the permission of her husband/lover, who would never talk back, is polite, sweet, innocent and so many more adjectives that I cringe at, knowing I'll never be....
Loved these definitions from an online website describing "woman":
2. feminine
3. born female
4. a prostitute
haha! WOW! - so much work to do to clean up some of these viewpoints and misrepresentations....
I'll also never be the opposite either, as I do love to be female, love to be cared for, love when someone else takes the initiative and wants to be looked after every so often too - just because I CAN do it myself, doesn't mean I WANT to ;)
So we work in a mode of balance, it takes a bit of planning, a lot of strategy, but for those women who live in the mindset I do, it is most important to select friends and partners who understand that we are both the sweet, loving, sincere woman, and the strong, supportive female who can do anything required in this world. We need to have the balance of both in our lives to remain complete. Keep the the friends that understand and support your needs close... be strong enough to let those who cannot understand, judge or are hurtful continue on their own path - they do not belong on ours.
Some of my favourite quotes for the topic...
"Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience." - Mary Wollstonecraft
“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.”
― Joseph Conrad
“There are no good girls gone wrong - just bad girls found out.”
― Mae West
“There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain.”
― Audrey Hepburn
Little fun end quote:
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