Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 50 of 100 days of me - BE BRAVE

On this fiftieth day I've got to tell you this has been the most interesting time for me.  I never imagined how much I could learn from writing.  This experience has been a wonderful journey of learning for me.  I have so much to offer to people on why and how to write - it is rejuvinating, refreshing and has made me better for it.  I love that so many of you read this blog and share with me your stories and your thankfulness.  It gives me encouragement to continue. I hope to inspire you, as I am trying to keep myself inspired.

The blog has shaped me, as I write the transformations and lessons to you.  I am no perfect being though, from my initial outset, of all the so called rules I made for myself, I've had many relapses.  I've cheated myself on nearly every one of my rules.  Truly if you look at day 0, you'll see I anticipated failure on many accounts.  I knew myself better than anyone, and know that even if we have a goal, doesn't mean we can stay on track 100% of the time.  We need to have forgiveness for ourselves and just learn to get back up again.  Lucky for you, it's only me that pays the price.  You need to know I am as human as any other, and learning from our own choices is part of the journey itself.


I can truly tell you that in nearly two months, I am stronger; I am happier; and I am excited to continue to grow and share with you this growth.

Together, we'll survive this crazy life.
and dammit - we're going to have fun doing so ;)



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