Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 40 of 100 - the point

I've had some opportunity to speak with people about this blog, and I'm thinking not everyone understands the point of it.

I thought I could share today, the fortieth day of this journey, some insight behind what it is all about.

Let me start with what it is not.

It is not a challenge to remain celibate.  It was not my need, wish, or want to be alone, or away from men. It is not an attempt to understand what being single is like. It most especially is not a time to mourn, nor recover.

It purely and simply is a blog to talk about focusing on yourself in a positive way for 100 days, and not get depressed or beat yourself up if a guy isn't interested in a relationship with you.

That's it.

Don't beat yourself up.
Have goals that are important to you.
Know what you want in life.
Love without expectation.
Dream big and don't hold back.
Be okay with yourself.
Understand what and why relationships are important to you.
Take time to know who would be best for you.
Don't obsess.
Don't rush.
Have patience.
And most of all :

No matter what choices you make, and whomever you are with, have respect for yourself.

Love yourself most.

I believe I am there. In only 40 days I've changed my attitude and my outlook. I am in a better place now, than when I began this journey.

I am not ignoring men - as they need to be very much a part of this, if I'm going to learn how to behave well and stay respectful towards myself.

I hope that gives some clarity to my goals.

The point of this blog, this journey, is not to be without men, but to not lose sight of myself, with them.


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