Saturday, November 8, 2014

6 days remain - 94 of 100 days of Me - Ruthless.

I started to write last night about one of the top lessons I learned in focusing on living and paying attention to what you are doing right now, but I got too tired to finish.  This morning when I woke, my attitude about this blog had changed direction, and I have molded it to suit what I really need to write about.


to act without pity or compassion; cruel; merciless; opportunism.

I have great difficulty ever being ruthless. It goes against my very being, my very core.  I love putting energy into helping people.  Seeing people happy, makes me happy.  If someone is hurt, or sad, it destroys a small part of me.  I then have great difficulty causing more harm by being ruthless.

This is a problem in business environment when management expects you to make decisions that do not take emotion or concern for others into the picture.  As I am a manager, I am required to sometimes act without pity or mercy.  I do not do well in this world.  It destroys a small part of my very being.

In sports it is much the same.  If you want to win, you must be ruthless in your training and in your mindset in beating others - being better, on top of and ahead of, others.  There is no team when there is only one spot for first place.  As you can imagine, my core is different than this persona... perhaps why I am normally second, and third place.

The lack of being ruthless can be a problem in our lives when we let people walk all over us.  There is a middle ground of course, but I'm often to the left of it, myself.  I believe in my approach to such an extent and I remain in peace of mind because of it.  I believe my life will be better because I cared, even though it means I'll come out with less money, less material, less "success".  I guess, deep inside, success for me is being left at peace.  Peace of mind is more important to me than money, houses, things.  I don't mean I want to be alone, without people. I mean I don't want to fight, I am not interested in harming others for my gain.  I want to be in a place where we can just be happy and be free, with my friends, laughing, playing, living...  I know what you are thinking... this idealism is non existent.

In this world, we are not always allowed this freedom and we do need to stand up and fight, and be ruthless for it.  I was trained in the military to fight, to shoot, to stand guard.  I would have to pull that trigger and kill another human if that person were to encroach on my country's freedom, my child's freedom, my peace.  I would not enjoy doing so but I acknowledge I'd have to, and I know I'd find the courage to do so.

Despite all this, I remain true to my core beliefs.  That there is a better life when you have peace of mind, when you look after people, when you let go of material concerns, and allow living and loving to be the main focus of your being.

The Greeks were best and leaders in this area - yet there are plenty of stories of the ruthless Greeks as well.

My daughter this morning was showing me magic tricks.  I asked her if she believed there could ever be real magic, or was it always slight of hand and trickery of the mind.  She answered that she didn't believe in real magic that it was always based on tricks and slight of hand, but that she did believe in Karma.  I reminded her that I believed in Karma too... that I believe if we are good to people, animals, life... that it comes back to us, maybe not now, maybe not in the same form, nor by those same individuals, but it comes back and our lives are fulfilled for it.

The only time you'll find me being "ruthless" - without pity or merci - is with myself.  I do not let myself have excuses to not work hard at my job, workout in my training, or do the things the people I love need me to do for them, "pain is nothing" I say.

I do not let myself give up - the journey is far more rewarding than the fear of the end - as everything always works itself out....

I also, make time for my writing to the ruthless detriment of all other jobs that need doing in my life - as I know it fulfills me, and makes me a better person.  It opens my heart to love, and then that love comes into my life, and grants me the strength to continue to be exactly who I am.

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