Sunday, November 9, 2014

5 days remain - 95 days of 100 days of me - Be yourself

"Don't just be yourself, but allow yourself to BE" - unknown.

With only 5 days remaining, one of the very top lessons learned and taken on, whole heartedly, is the following one: Be yourself.  Be proud of who you are.

I really love the quote above.  It really is important to let yourself be.  Don't you dare question who you are, or your value just because you don't get that promotion you were looking for, or, you don't accomplish that time you wanted in a race, or, you don't catch the eye of someone you really admired, or you don't hear from someone that you really hoped was missing you....

Let yourself be. It is almost always NEVER about you.

And to be truthful, if it is IS about you - then it isn't meant to be, but something else is...   Be strong enough to walk forward and be open minded to what may come of it.

Don't think that I walk around feeling super positive every day.  There are so many moments of doubt that come - and swiftly get their buts kicked before they settle into my psyche :)  All kidding aside, there is no one thing that will prevent us from doubting, from worrying, from being negative. But the number one thing you can do, that gets you out of that funk as quickly as humanly possible, is repeating those words that bring you back down, land you on your feet, and remind you, that everything happens for a reason, and you're going to be okay.

Top 5 rules to live by:

1. stay true to your values, be yourself
2. be open minded
3. be forgiving
4. Don't live like you're dying - you'll likely die doing so... but live large and be smart about it
5. Just live... and stop worrying about where your life is going... just live it.

Some days are always tougher than others.  You need to keep your quotes handy - you need to have resources to draw upon to keep on walking forward.  The quote about always getting back up comes to mind - that even if we knock ourselves down - just keep standing back up, and keep walking forward.  I believe our purpose in life is to simply survive it.  We've come from a long line, of survivors - so don't think you don't have what it takes.  You do. :)

Be yourself, so you can be proud, and satisfied with those who love you for who you are. xo

Little side note: TOP BLOGS

Funny what a title will do to draw attention to a statement.  My top blog to date is the one I entitled SEX.  It didn't even get very raunchy or direct, but people came to read it because of the title :).  I'll have to write another sex blog one day.  One day!!

My top blogs:

Day 8 of 100 days of me - sex.

100 days of ME begins today
Aug 5, 2014, 2 comments

Day 10 – Falling off the wagon
Aug 15, 2014

Day 5 of 100 days of ME - I knew you were trouble...
Aug 10, 2014

Day 35 - the crash
Sep 9, 2014

Day 3 of 100 days of ME - Music and our destiny......
Aug 8, 2014

Day 75 of 100 days of Me - I'm Staying.
Oct 19, 2014

Jan 30, 2013, 1 comment

Day 7 - of silencing the mind
Aug 12, 2014, 1 comment

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