Friday, April 24, 2020

Motivation and Commitment


Very serious terms, requiring personal willpower and strength.  What are they, and how do we increase our skills in these two terms??


As a noun is the reason one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.


As a noun is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

I've been listening lately to a book on tape from Brene Brown called Dare to Lead. 

I am finding it very insightful and it's helping me understand how to get rid of the roadblocks that get in the way of Motivation, Courage and Vulnerability.  She explains that "Experiences that make you feel vulnerable, like losing a job or putting yourself out there emotionally, can bring feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and a desire for self-protection. However, there is not a single piece of empirical data to suggest that vulnerability is associated with weakness. In fact, the opposite is true: acts of courage are impossible without first putting yourself in a vulnerable position."  Once you can allow yourself to feel vulnerable, you are able to perform courageous acts.  

To be motivated to workout, to be in shape we need a strong WHY.  Why are we doing this... Why would we get up a little bit earlier... stay up a little bit later... we are tired, we are scared... we are BUSY... so what is your WHY?

For me the Why is clear - I want to walk until I die.  I want to have control of my own functions.  I want to not die of heart disease, diabetes, stroke or other debilitating diseases.  My Why is strong and clear... which is also why I'm MOTIVATED.  I have motivation to work out daily.  I want to maintain a strong upper and lower body.  I want to work in my garden and look after my family.  What is your WHY?  Grab a pen and a journal and start to write... write until you find out what your WHY is and then write about it every day.  Put it in a place you'll see every morning.  

Commitment is staying that course.   How do you stay committed?? Why you have a strong enough motivation, a strong enough Why you have a goal you can push towards.

1. Having a goal that is clear and meaningful is the start to staying committed.
2. Write this goal down, keep where you can see it, write about it every day!
3. Create daily routines to ensure you are working towards your goal.  Routines ensure you have a schedule and pattern that works for your environment.
4. Add inspiration and fun!  The journey is truly the best part... love every moment of it!!
5. Be vulnerable, be honest.. you'll have days you can't do it.. you'll miss it... stay accountable by having a network of friends to help you get back on the track - we're here for you!
6. Be courageous! Be willing to fail! Allow yourself to fail! To make mistakes... to be wrong.  "If you're not willing to fail, you can't innovate. If you're not willing to build a vulnerable culture, you can't create" - Brene Brown.

 Now - what workout are YOU doing today!!??

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