Monday, January 20, 2020

Wheelhouse - what a ride!

Ghosting – No reply
I just finished a spin class at the Wheelhouse Cycle on Wellington.  They are awesome!! They make you work!! They make you sweat!! They are inspiring and I'm so grateful for my daughter Elle introducing me to the classes there.... I feel I'm getting healthier, fitter, and enjoying this ride...

It has been more than a year since I've written to this blog.  I'm terrible at keeping you informed... but on the other hand - no one complained when I ghosted them :(

I'm not offended and I hope you aren't either.

I'm back now.  That is all that matters.


I trained... I worked up to being able to run a 1/2 marathon and then I signed up to the ARMY RUN and finished the Commanders Challenge.

What is this you may ask ?  Running a 5km race and then doing a 1/2 marathon race all in the same morning.  Not quite an Ironman but a feat worthy of braggery by anyone who crosses the line.  3706 people ran the 1/2 marathon, it was crazy packed and  challenging course!  I can tell you, along with each of those 3000 individuals... it was a proud day to be back in the game, back running, and to cross that line.


I began training in September of 2018 in hopes to complete another Ironman in 2019.  I had signed up for the Whistler Ironman Canada but Gilles and I very soon decided to take a different path.  We were in the Sobey's in Kanata, shopping for our typical veggies and gluten free breads, dairy free cheeses and yummy healthy foods when I found a magazine from National Geographic entitled "The Blue Zones".  hmmmm... I thought... very interesting... very much in line with our healthy living!  I threw it in the shopping cart to bring home for a read.  "Seventeen Dollars???!!!!", Gilles exclaimed in disbelief when it passed through the till... "Seventeen Dollars!!??" - little did he know, at that moment, that the cost of that magazine would take us way beyond $17.00 dollars....

The very first place mentioned was a most fascinating and beautiful island, called Ikaria! in Greece! I had always wanted to see Greece! My son Jake had crafted a vase for me years ago, with Greece or Bust! on the outside.  I had been saving money in it for years... although was never able to afford to actually go....

"Let's do it", he says to me... Wide eyed, staring at him, wondering if he is teasing, he says it again... "Let's go see how they live.  Let's go meet these people that do not die from cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and other inflammatory diseases.  Let's find out ourselves".  WOW!! Here we go.

So I cancelled my plans for Ironman.  The expensive flights to British Columbia, the expensive 4 day minimum stay in Whistler and I put all into the new dream of going to Greece.  I will share more about this incredible place, and the lessons her people taught us - our new family there - in another blog - how even my daughter Hannah got to experience her magic too!! You must check back in with me :) Another day, another blog.  I must share it with you.  It's too wonderful not to.

This blog today is about getting up and moving.  It's about having a dream - even changing your dream - but still focusing on what's important  for you.  Exercise!!

Image result for why exercise

So it is true, my Ironman dream was cancelled... but in Greece I ran up those incredible mountain roads.  I still moved... I taught my body to run again.  Back home I worked out the core muscles. Starting from a WALK/RUN of 1 min on, 1 min off.  15 minutes first day to 20, to 30... until I could run consistently further.

In the summer of 2019, on vacation on our lovely PEI Island, I was up in the morning and ran almost every day.  I followed a Phil Mosley training plan - he has some really great plans to try out and experience from beginner to advanced.  His plan was a mix of SLOW days where he forces you to watch your heart beat, and stay slow... then other days he gets your heart up with intervals and speed training.  It WORKED for me.

By the time September 22 arrived in 2019 - I was as ready as I could be (you can always be more ready for any race... believe me). I did not perform any miracle times but that wasn't the goal.  The goal was to be fit enough to finish and for that, I was very successful.

It can be done.  You can go from couch potato - or injured - or after major surgery - and you get your body back... It takes time, effort, dedication - GO SLOW - listen to your body - but don't give up.  I'm not going to leave you as long anymore... see you tomorrow, with more to inspire you xoxo

Image result for it take time

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