Ever feel that way ? Completely fat, slow, like garbage ?
I know... you'll kick me next time for saying I feel fat as I don't look like how I feel, but in truth I'm 5 pounds heavier than I was at my best last year so that must count for something. And I weight the same as Mirinda Carfrae who is .10 m taller than me... so I've got a bit to lose all in all... Likely all water retention. So, I need to drink more (we all know we should be and don't) and no, not wine, beer, fun things like that... I mean good ol fashioned glasses of water.
I need to properly watch what I'm eating to make sure I'm getting all the right foods, vitamins and minerals I need - I'm likely not!!!
So a friend at work told me about this app called my fitness pal. I downloaded it this morning and started tracking my foods. There is even a web component you can log into... so I've only consumed 400 of the 1990 calories I'm allowed (lots of room for big meal tonight and some beer right!! :)) That will make me feel better I'm sure.
I begin the true training next starting Monday, but I've been training a little all along. It has been a slow ramp up as I've really not been in the mood. I've got some of the very best excuses... it's really been too cold - don't even want to get in my car to go to the gym, or pool, let alone take my sweater off. Then, there is work - work is so busy, I really need to get in early, leave late and work at home so that I don't miss anything... don't want to let anyone down! So, can't workout now... If it weren't for the classes I teach, where people are relying on me, I'm not sure I'd be working out very much at all!!
But that will have to stop. The plan starts on Monday. No more excuses. No more whining about how terrible I feel... don't care if I feel fat or feel like garbage... going to do my plan, as it's been written down as gospel in my notebook calendar.
So the workout today that completely depressed me (relatively speaking of course) is I started on the treadmill, going for a 10km run, After 27 minutes I hit the 5km mark and quit. That was quite enough I told myself. Felt like crap, even my hot music wasn't enticing enough. Tomorrow night, I told myself. Monday even... I'm not going to push it when I feel like poop. I'm going to just stop and get back on the horse again later.
Was that the right decision ? Time will tell.
All I can tell you is - we all have those times we just don't feel it.... and sometimes the answer is not to keep pushing to injury. Sometimes the answer is to stop. Redirect. Think about what is going wrong and come back when you are ready.
Monday. I'll be ready.
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