I started journaling again... This morning at 6am. I've been intermittent for years... once a week, once a month... I originally learned about journaling from Julia Cameron, she called them the morning pages, writing only three pages in the morning, in the The Artist's way (Blog | Julia Cameron Live). It changed my life, then and continues to, to this day. Buy her book as I promise you, it's life changing.
Today was another life changing day. This morning I sat down with Pen and Paper and began to write. First about the cold (it's -40 here today), then about my children, my daughters and ultimately I got to how out of control life was... and I was questioning how was I going to take care of ME through all the challenges we have before us.... it kept flowing... the words... the thoughts.When you journal you never know where the pen will take you. You just write. It's not the same as typing, you need the pen in order to tap into the very part of your brain where your deep emotions, thoughts and dreams come from.
By the time I was done writing I had a plan. I needed to save myself, for my future self. I needed to run another marathon.
How the Marathon Saved my Life - I thought would make a good title. I'd write a book. I'd be like my girlfriend who is on her 2nd publishing deal (Little plug here: Books – R.H. Nix Author (rhnix.com)). I'm so proud of her, and jealous too! I've been wanting to write a book forever it seems... but then I remembered my blog.
In the past, my Blog followers supported my journey, loved my words and used them to better themselves and motivate themselves too. I'll start up my blog again. I'll do the marathon, and write everyday of the journey, and maybe I won't be alone. Maybe my friends and followers will be there beside me. It's that what survival truly is? Working together to get through the challenges of our lives.
As the sun rises above the trees, giving us all a chance at a new day - I begin my commitment to myself. to you. to the Marathon. I'm going to sign up, and begin the journey to get there. I NEED THIS. I'll explain why throughout the daily blogs. I HAVE TO DO THIS. Our lives are supported by physical health and mental health. Sleep, Food, proper nutrition, and good habits all ensure our physical and mental health stay strong. FITNESS is a critical component. Not everyone can run, not everyone should do the marathon... but even commitment to get outside and walk is a HUGE Step forward that we all must decide to do for ourselves.
Let's start this. Moving forward, taking only baby steps... one step at a time. xoxo
Thanks! Proud of you too xo