Sunday, March 22, 2020

What NEXT? How do we survive COVID-19 and any other ?

Many posts online including the Ontario Health Centre continue to state "We are all in this together. We'll get through this together".  What does this really mean as we are all separated, sitting in our homes?  What does this mean, I pondered this morning... and I think I may have figured out where I can help.. where I can make a difference.

I began to write in my journal, as any other Sunday morning, writing what comes to mind while looking out on the vast field in front of my front window... noting the too few cars passing along Dunrobin Rd.

What can we do??? I asked myself.  We can begin to live differently.  The virus (any virus) attacks those with weakened immune systems.  What is a weakened immune system?  A weakened immune system is where your body no longer has the ability to fight infections and diseases.

So what causes a weakened immune system?? Many experts will point to  inflammation as the main root cause of the diseases that bring about a weakened immune system. They blame inflammation for cancer, diabetes, MS, auto-immune disease, and many many more..

So then, what causes inflammation?  This one, if you do not already know will cause you to go into a new paradigm...  FOOD.  The experts will tell you, food is the primary cause of inflammation in our bodies. (Anti-inflammatory eating links below).

So the elephant is officially in the room.  We can no longer ignore him.  We must, as a society change the way we EAT.  Now, how can we do this together??  We start by helping each other understand WHAT it is we need to eat.  There are many resources available.  I'll share a few below.  I'll share more as the days pass as I am very excited to support this cause, if I can.

The bottom line, the simplest of all explanations, is that you must start eating mostly veggies, and no more boxed products... no more manufactured products... no more factory foods.  We each need to start small gardens at home - you need to have herbs everyday to reduce inflammation.  Know that simple, easy to grow herbs such as Basil and Parsley have important health benefits including vitamins A, K an E, and potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols.

Every one of us can be planting a herb box in our windows.  If you have a back yard, please start to grow a handful of your own vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, lots of greens, broccoli, cauliflower - all very easy to grow but yes, a bit of work. If you are zoned in a place that can have chickens -  three chickens will give you enough eggs for protein in our diets.

That's the answer!

BUT - what about those of you who are in small apartments, you cannot grow your own food, you do not have your own space, or you are having too much trouble getting access to resources - there must be enough land and farmers in the Ottawa area to support the Ottawa city.

I think if we are going to set ourselves up to eat better together, and fight any virus that comes our way - and there is no doubt going to be more - then we need to sustain our city together.  How do you think our ancestors survived the middle ages?  They did not each independently went off and did everything themselves, they worked together as a city to share resources and collectively do well.

So I'm excited to start looking.  Where are the Ottawa farmers? Who has appropriate land? Where are the current cooperative gardens operating? And how can we, with self isolation in place - take the time to build up enough food to sustain us - now and in future.

These are my questions.  If you know or have any ideas please comment below or send me a private note. Please let me know how I can help you get started.

This is how we CAN work together, and fight off inflammation, and potentially get through any virus, bacteria, or disease that finds us.

Yesterday was the first day of Spring!! Time to collect or buy your seeds and get planting!!

Simply Google "Foods that cause inflammation"  here are a few links:
Anti-Inflammatory Diet: what to know
Harvard Health Publishing: Foods that Fight Inflammation
Arthritis.Org: 8 Food Ingredients that Cause Inflammation
Dr. Gundry's the YES and NO lists: Foods that can cause inflammation

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